Sunday, June 27, 2010

Review: FLIP Disposable Inserts

Nearly my entire Cloth Diaper stash at this point is made up of the Flip System by Cotton Babies. We've had such great success using the Flips, so easy to use and so versatile!

After my good luck winning a pack of Flip Disposable Inserts from Julie at ...And Baby Makes Three! I'm keeping tradition and posting a little review/comparison of my own!

Here's a lineup of all three types of Flip Inserts: Disposable, Stay Dry and Organic.

We're using the Flips on the Medium Rise Snaps right now, so the Disposable and Stay Dry have to be folded down and the Organic is short-folded.

Here's a look at each of the Flip Inserts actually in a cover:

And compared for bulk: Disposable in Pink; Stay Dry in Green; Organic in Blue

Closeup of the Disposable Insert:

The Disposable Inserts are really soft! I was surprised the first time I felt one. Plus they are SUPER trim!They are dye and fragrance free and certified Oeko-Tex. I love that they are compost-able (someday I'll have enough space for that composter!) I'm finding the insert to be a little narrow for the cover, too much PUL exposed. If I'm going to use the disposable only, I overlap two of them side by side to cover the PUL. I've found myself using the Disposable Inserts more as a doubler/liner with both my Flips and bumGenius 3.0's. They fit nicely over a Stay Dry Insert and are really about the same bulk-wise as using an Organic Insert alone. Plus I can use diaper cream if needed, and not worry about compromising the absorption of the cloth!

Stay Dry + Disposable layered:

Even though I'm not really using the Disposable Inserts as they were intended, they are a great addition to my cloth diaper arsenal (yes, I'm using the word arsenal, since baby is eating table food now, this is war!) Plus the added bonus of keeping my cloth clean - no stains, since I toss the mess!

Happy Cloth Diapering!

Monday, June 21, 2010


Just had to put up a quick picture of dinner last night. Homemade Chili, in a sourdough breadbowl. It was so good! And I used a little of the parsley I've been growing for garnish.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Adventure: Re-Useable Grocery Bags

I'm trying to do little things to 'green' our household...I know it's tough to go all organic, shop for only local food, but one thing I can do is stop adding to the waste of plastic grocery bags. Fortunately, our grocery store has a recycling bin for the bags, but they seem to multiply under the kitchen sink to overflowing, before they can be re-used as bathroom trash can liners.

I've been collecting re-useable bags for awhile now, finding them here or there and now finally, my kitchen drawer where I keep them is FULL! So my adventure for today is to see if I can do a full grocery shopping trip and not bring any plastic bags home!

Here's my stash!

Did you know Target gives a 5 cent credit per re-useable bag that you bring in? Not much, but a nice little thing for them to do.

If you collect the Disney Movie Reward points, those green bags came as a reward! It was a pack of two, for only around 400 points (that's 4 movies worth) plus Disney makes a donation on your behalf to their Worldwide Conservation Fund.

So I packed up the girls and headed off to the store, armed with my big bunch of re-useable bags. Once we got to the checkout, I put my bags on the conveyer, and it felt good. I think the bagger might have been a little annoyed with me, because not all of my bags are shaped like the store brand's re-useable bags that they sell, but oh well!

So did I make it? Did I have enough bags for everything? Yes I did! I actually had 2 bags leftover!

This is an adventure I'm going to continue, it doesn't take much effort, but over time, it'll make a big difference.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Adventure: Work - yuk!

Unfortunately, it's been ADVENTURE: Work for the last couple of weeks, which is taking up too much of my attention!

I have a few fun adventures in the works and will be back up and posting soon!

In the meantime, wanted to share a couple of Cloth Diaper Giveaways, as I was lucky enough to win one from Julie at ...And Baby Makes Three! I won a pack of Flip Disposable Inserts, which I'm much looking forward to receiving - I'll post pics when they arrive!

Cloth Diaper Giveaways:

Planetwise Swim/Wet/Dry Bag at Fitteds, Pockets and Snappis, oh my! ends June 28

Flip Cover and Organic Insert at Wishing Penny ends June 22

Sprout Change Organic Cloth Diaper at The Eco-Cheap Mom ends June 18 (hurry on this one!)

Good Luck!!!